Vignesh Reddy Kandi



Missed Deadlines and

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you could have done better, but missed the mark? That’s what happened to me during my recent module on Automating Business Processes, which included three courses: Mini Thesis, Software Design, and Software Robotics. The Mini Thesis course was not a problem for me and my teammate, as we completed it and submitted it on time. However, the real challenge came with the other two courses. The Software Design course seemed too simple, so I didn’t pay enough attention to it and missed the deadline. But with a burst of post-deadline motivation, I completed my parts in soem hours and almost submitted them. As for the Software Robotics course, it’s still due, and my teammate and I have encountered some hurdles in accessing the necessary software due to our use of Macs. Despite this, we’re still working hard to figure out a way to complete the course and submit it as soon as possible. Although this was the first module where I felt that my unavailability and laziness had a negative impact on my performance, I’m happy that the consequences were not too significant. And this was the only module that i hated completely.

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Got selected for a SAP

Have you ever had a sudden opportunity that you just couldn’t resist? That’s exactly what happened to me when I received an email from one of my professors about an open enrollment for a short advanced program called “Smart Everything” offered jointly by Häme University of Applied Sciences and Polytechnic of Cávado and Ave in Portugal. I checked out the course content and was immediately drawn to it. Although I wasn’t sure if I would get accepted, I applied just 20 minutes before the deadline. And I waited anxiously for a month to receive some good news. Finally, I received the email that made my day. I had been selected to attend the course! and I accepted the offer without a second thought. What’s more exciting is that the course requires me to attend one week of classes in Portugal. And here’s the best part: my university is providing me some € to cover my expenses during my stay in Portugal. To me, this is like hitting two birds with one stone. I get to enjoy a sponsored trip to Portugal and attend a valuable program that can help me further my academics.

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Tikkurila to Hämeenlinna (2 years already)

When it came time to choose a university for my bachelor’s degree, I decided on Hamk. At the time, I didn’t realize what a challenge it would be. When I looked at Google maps, the travel time seemed reasonable, just 50 minutes. That was no big deal for me, since it takes me an hour to get to Espoo. Unfortunately, my first class starts at 8:45 a.m., which means I have to take a train that arrives before then. The only option available for me is the train that departs from Tikkurila at 7:19 a.m. This means I have to wake up at least an hour earlier to make it to that train. And, to make matters worse, sometimes the train gets delayed, forcing me to stand in the cold for even longer. The buses in Hämeenlinna are unreliable, so I can never count on them to be on time. Waiting for them is a frustrating experience, but when the train is delayed, I’m almost happy because it means I don’t have to deal with the unreliable buses. Of course, this only happens on rare occasions. Overall, I’ve enjoyed my time at Hamk, except for the early mornings.

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From High School to Hamk: A New Chapter in My Life

Making a major life decision is never easy, especially when it involves interrupting your studies and moving to a new country. That’s exactly what I did when we decided to come to Finland during the middle of my studies. At the time, I wasn’t happy with what I was studying and I felt like I needed a change. Looking back, I can confidently say that it was the right decision for me. When I arrived in Finland, I found myself without any clear direction. The COVID-19 pandemic was in full swing, and everything felt uncertain. After six months of being home and not studying, I decided to take an immigration training course to learn Finnish. Although it didn’t go as well as I had hoped, I was happy to receive some financial support for my efforts. Six more months went by, and I realized that I was ready to take the next step in my education. Unfortunately, I missed the application deadline for many of the universities and universities of applied sciences in the metropolitan area. However, after some searching, I found a program that was still accepting applications. I researched the learning outcomes and decided that it was a good fit for me. Applying to the program was nail-biting. I had been out of school for a year and was worried about how I would do on the admission test and interview. To my relief, I passed both and received an offer to study at the Häme University of Applied Sciences. I was thrilled to accept it, and my family was extremely happy. Now, with three months to go before the start of my studies, I am excited and a little nervous. I’m grateful for the opportunity to pursue a degree that I’m passionate about and eager to see what the future holds. Although the journey to get here wasn’t easy, I know that it was worth it.

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