Vignesh Reddy Kandi

Author name: Vignesh reddy Kandi


20 countries before 21 – Vignesh Reddy Kandi

20 countries before 21 – Vignesh Reddy Kandi I always thought that, if I could make it to 20 countries before turning 21. But I haven’t But let’s see what countries I have been to and why. 1. Finland 2. Sweden 3. Estonia 4. Latvia 5. Lithuania 6. Portugal 7. Denmark 8. South Korea 9. Germany 10. Austria 11. Hungary 12. Poland 13. Czechia 14. Slovakia 15. Netherlands 16. Belgium 17. Luxembourg Thanks for reading! Vignesh Reddy Kandi

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A Trip Through the Benelux- Vignesh reddy kandi

Author : A Trip Through the Benelux: Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg – Vignesh reddy kandi Since returning from Austria in January, I’ve only made a short trip to Hämeenlinna. Recently, I discovered a SAP event in the Netherlands and since I’ve always wanted to visit Amsterdam, it seemed like the perfect excuse to go. I’m planning to be there for two weeks and visit three countries. I found a good deal on flights to Amsterdam with SAS, which helps because they offer discounts for young people. I don’t have a detailed plan for after I arrive, but I’m thinking of starting in Amsterdam on the 19th, then going to Leeuwarden on the 21st to meet my friend Aldo and attend the SAP event for the rest of the week. After that, I plan to drive to Brussels, stay a few days, and then visit Luxembourg. These three places are my main goals, but if I still have money left, I might also go to France or maybe return to Norway. I’m really looking forward to this trip that will last two to three weeks, and this time, I’m not sticking to a fixed schedule.

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5 Months in Vienna, Austria

Why Vienna? So, why Vienna? Well, it was either here, Switzerland, or Mexico for my exchange. I went with Austria mainly because it’s kind of cheap and my dad used to be here when I was little. I heard so many stories about Vienna growing up, it just seemed right to finally check it out myself. Plus, staying for five months? That’s the only way to really get bedt experience possible, way better than just hitting the tourist spots. And My cousins, Sai Sri Anmandla and Srija Anmandla, are in Vienna! Having family around made everything way more fun. without them, I might have got off Vienna pretty quick. I landed on September 4th, 2023, which was a Sunday, and yup, everything was closed. I moved into my spot at Haus Panorama in the 20th district, finding food was a mission. It was already 10 PM, and my go-to, Wolt, doesn’t even work here yet. Ended up finding out a doner kebab costs like €3.50 here, which is a steal compared to the €10 back in Finland. The uni system here? Not a fan. I went to Fh technikum wien. It feels way more pressured than what I’m used to. They’ve got this mandatory attendance thing to get grades, which is a total switch from the chill vibe in Finland. It’s all discipline and structure here, which isn’t really my jam. Vienna’s cool and all, but I miss places like the startup sauna back home—Vienna’s kinda short on open coworking spaces and English networking events. But geographically, it’s ace. Just a couple of hours from most places around, and the public transport? Super cheap. Got my whole five months covered for like 80€. I planned to hit up all the neighboring cities and countries, but I ended up flying back to Finland like every month. Still, bouncing between Helsinki and Vienna was pretty cool. And yo, I had to grab an Insta360 X3 because my phone just wasn’t doing justice to all the epic stuff around here. The view from my apartment alone, right on a running lake, was just 🔥 At first, Vienna and I didn’t really click, but by the end, I kinda started feeling a vibe with the city. Makes me wonder, should I stick around a bit longer?

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Day 0 – Going to South Korea

After months of waiting , my long-awaited trip to South Korea finally began today. I was going with Aaltoes Fam, a group of 11 : Meri, Laura, Nantte, Lilya, Eli, Ernesti, Huy, Cara, Vera, and Selma. we gathered at 1 o’clock and began the check-in process at Helsinki Airport. Unfortunately, my passport required a visa to visit Korea, so there were a few extra steps involved in ensuring everything was in order at the check-in desk. We had a layover in London, which meant additional questions during check-in. Fortunately, the check-in process went smoothly, and we were on time for our first leg of the journey from Helsinki to London. Surprisingly, the flight was quicker than expected, and I barely noticed the passing of time. After landing in London, we had to change terminals, which involved a long bus ride, adding a sense of excitement to our trip. As the next leg of our journey began, I found myself lucky enough to secure a window seat after changing from a middle seat. The 13-hour flight awaited us, but It was enough to sleep through most of it, completely oblivious to the passing hours. After reaching our Airbnb and taking a moment to relax, we set out to find a restaurant for some much-needed nourishment. However, being vegetarian or vegan in Korea is to be quite challenging, as it is not widely available . But, I wasn’t a vegetarian, so finding chicken options was a bit easier for me. Day 0 was done successfully and excited for Day 1 to see how it’s going to be with meetings.

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My SAP experience in Portugal – Vignesh Reddy Kandi

My Experience at SAP in Barcelos, Portugal – Vignesh Reddy Kandi I had been eagerly waiting for my trip to Portugal for an SAP called Smart Everything by Run-Eu, to explore Portugal and meet new people and learn something as an outcome 😁. I arrived in Portugal without knowing anyone and without knowing what to expect. My flight was on the 8th of May, and although I missed the first day of the project, it didn’t affect me too much, luckily. Getting to IPCA Barcelos from Helsinki was relatively easy, taking a 5-hour + 1-hour flight with a one-hour delay as a bonus. And, cabs are more affordable in Portugal than in Helsinki, so I decided to take one from Porto airport to Flag Hotel in Barcelos. It felt like a long ride but it’s so much greenery everywhere which made my ride more interesting and focus on sceneries. By the evening of Monday, 8th May, I had arrived in Barcelos and was already feeling a little tired, so I headed to bed early, ready to meet my team and start work on my project the next day. It was just 20 mins walk from the hotel I was staying to IPCA, so easy to commute. But I was worried that I had missed out by arriving a day late and that everyone might already start working and was in progress. But luckily, it wasn’t tough for me to catch up with everyone and they are really friendly, welcoming, and talkative, making it easy for me to break the ice. Our team, combined with another team, was given the humorous title “BAWKS” (Bear + Hawks). Although we had a project to complete, we also had a lot of fun together, and I thoroughly enjoyed my team’s company and their presence in Barcelos. The positive vibe among everyone was contagious, and it motivated me to work harder. And then we started working on our project in real-time, it has a lot of aspects like Business, Tech (more or less creating a business). But the catch here was using Powerapps to make this App. 2nd day (my 1st day) it was just brainstorming but nobody thought about what we would come up with. After some hours we figured out our app’s brand identity: And then, building an app in Powerapps was worst than I expected. My team had a different opinion on power apps but we could say we enjoyed working on that 😜 With some frequent communication and taking feedback from our team, we finally made one of the best app, Below attached, 1st version and final version It was definitely the best learning experience but While it’s obvious that we learn a lot from educational projects such as SAP, what I found most valuable was being able to connect and have fun with people who share similar interests. It wasn’t easy to find a group that I could vibe with, but BAWKS and the rest of the SAP project made it possible. Here are some fun pictures from this SAP :

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Missed Deadlines and

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you could have done better, but missed the mark? That’s what happened to me during my recent module on Automating Business Processes, which included three courses: Mini Thesis, Software Design, and Software Robotics. The Mini Thesis course was not a problem for me and my teammate, as we completed it and submitted it on time. However, the real challenge came with the other two courses. The Software Design course seemed too simple, so I didn’t pay enough attention to it and missed the deadline. But with a burst of post-deadline motivation, I completed my parts in soem hours and almost submitted them. As for the Software Robotics course, it’s still due, and my teammate and I have encountered some hurdles in accessing the necessary software due to our use of Macs. Despite this, we’re still working hard to figure out a way to complete the course and submit it as soon as possible. Although this was the first module where I felt that my unavailability and laziness had a negative impact on my performance, I’m happy that the consequences were not too significant. And this was the only module that i hated completely.

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Got selected for a SAP

Have you ever had a sudden opportunity that you just couldn’t resist? That’s exactly what happened to me when I received an email from one of my professors about an open enrollment for a short advanced program called “Smart Everything” offered jointly by Häme University of Applied Sciences and Polytechnic of Cávado and Ave in Portugal. I checked out the course content and was immediately drawn to it. Although I wasn’t sure if I would get accepted, I applied just 20 minutes before the deadline. And I waited anxiously for a month to receive some good news. Finally, I received the email that made my day. I had been selected to attend the course! and I accepted the offer without a second thought. What’s more exciting is that the course requires me to attend one week of classes in Portugal. And here’s the best part: my university is providing me some € to cover my expenses during my stay in Portugal. To me, this is like hitting two birds with one stone. I get to enjoy a sponsored trip to Portugal and attend a valuable program that can help me further my academics.

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Tikkurila to Hämeenlinna (2 years already)

When it came time to choose a university for my bachelor’s degree, I decided on Hamk. At the time, I didn’t realize what a challenge it would be. When I looked at Google maps, the travel time seemed reasonable, just 50 minutes. That was no big deal for me, since it takes me an hour to get to Espoo. Unfortunately, my first class starts at 8:45 a.m., which means I have to take a train that arrives before then. The only option available for me is the train that departs from Tikkurila at 7:19 a.m. This means I have to wake up at least an hour earlier to make it to that train. And, to make matters worse, sometimes the train gets delayed, forcing me to stand in the cold for even longer. The buses in Hämeenlinna are unreliable, so I can never count on them to be on time. Waiting for them is a frustrating experience, but when the train is delayed, I’m almost happy because it means I don’t have to deal with the unreliable buses. Of course, this only happens on rare occasions. Overall, I’ve enjoyed my time at Hamk, except for the early mornings.

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Austria could be my next…

Last year, two of my close friends discussed going for an exchange program, and I didn’t feel the same way. I was content with studying at Hamk and demotivated them by not showing interest. However, a year later, an email from my guidance counselor made me realize that I should also explore exchange opportunities. I started researching and found various options in Poland, Switzerland, Austria, Romania, Spain, Mexico, and South Korea. Initially, I was sure that I wanted to stay in Europe, but then Austria caught my attention. There was something about the country that made me feel connected to it, and I decided to apply to a university in Austria. I’m eagerly waiting to hear back from the universities and excited on this journey. It’s amazing how a change in perspective can make you reconsider your choices. Fingers crossed for Austria, or maybe even another country!

Austria could be my next… Read More »


Best trip i had? : Definitely south india trip with friends.

Most schools in India organize a yearly trip for their students, and during my 10th grade, my school took us on a 10-day trip to South India. At first, I wasn’t particularly interested in going, but a friend of mine convinced me to join. However, he later dropped out, leaving me with mixed feelings about the trip. I had never been on a trip with my friends before, so I wasn’t sure if I would enjoy it. To my surprise, the trip turned out to be the most memorable one I have ever had. I gained valuable experiences, such as money management, staying healthy, and adapting to climate variations. We took a train from Warangal and first visited Kerala, a state that had been on my bucket list for a long time. Kerala is known for its lush greenery, high literacy rate, and numerous popular destinations. I was fortunate enough to visit many of these places with my friends, making the trip more enjoyable and memorable. During the day, we explored the area, and at night, we rested. But we also did many secret activities that made the trip even more unforgettable. We visited some of India’s iconic places, such as Munnar, which is famous for its evergreen tea plants, Athirappilly Waterfalls, and Alleppey, a must-visit location that I had seen in many movies. However, experiencing it in person was far better than I could have ever imagined. One of the most thrilling experiences was when a few of my friends and I were left behind in the hotel while the others went to a temple that would be closed if they arrived too late. Since the temple was on our must-visit list, we took a tuk-tuk and rushed to the temple. In our haste, none of us brought our phones or enough money with us. Fortunately, we arrived just in time, and those who had arrived early didn’t get to visit the temple because they had to wait longer. After completing our visit, we decided to go back to the hotel. However, we didn’t remember the hotel’s name or location, so we had to do several internet searches to find it. This day was the highlight of the entire trip. Even now, I still feel like going back to South India with the same group of people. The trip provided me with unforgettable memories and experiences that I will cherish forever. Thanks for reading : Best trip i had? : Definitely south india trip with friends.

Best trip i had? : Definitely south india trip with friends. Read More »

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